Well the typical FTF log around here is from Bisanabi and it goes something like this:
FTF! Checked the site just before bed and saw this cache. Decided to get dressed again and do a midnight run. Headlamp, backup flashlight, boots -- total overkill for this easy cache. At least I remembered a pen! TFTCBigbunch thinks Bisanabi has an inside source:
I'm convinced Bisanabi gets new cache notification before me. TFTC 2diggers.Well we can't say for sure, but our most recent FTFs might give one pause to think:
FTF! Found it at 8:56 am. Bigbunch and Bisanabi must be out of town this weekend, otherwise we'd be 3rd to find!and
FTF (at 6:55 am)! And our first find of the New Year! GPSr bounced a little but we still went right to it. Other notable area FTF-ers must still be sleeping off last year's festivities. SL TFTC!
So the only time we can get FTF is when the other FTF-ers in the area are otherwise occupied.
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