Sunday, January 01, 2006

FTF Follies

One of the brass rings of geocaching is being FTF (first to find) on a new cache. In our area, two cachers are most notable for FTFs, Bigbunch and Bisanabi (we'd like to to be FTF on caches, but you'll soon see why that happens so seldom).

Well the typical FTF log around here is from Bisanabi and it goes something like this:
FTF! Checked the site just before bed and saw this cache. Decided to get dressed again and do a midnight run. Headlamp, backup flashlight, boots -- total overkill for this easy cache. At least I remembered a pen! TFTC
Bigbunch thinks Bisanabi has an inside source:
I'm convinced Bisanabi gets new cache notification before me. TFTC 2diggers.
Well we can't say for sure, but our most recent FTFs might give one pause to think:
FTF! Found it at 8:56 am. Bigbunch and Bisanabi must be out of town this weekend, otherwise we'd be 3rd to find!
FTF (at 6:55 am )! And our first find of the New Year! GPSr bounced a little but we still went right to it. Other notable area FTF-ers must still be sleeping off last year's festivities. SL TFTC!

So the only time we can get FTF is when the other FTF-ers in the area are otherwise occupied.

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